Making the Right Call: should your business switch to VoIP? - Part 1

As technology continues to change the way we communicate, the digital telephone, a relatively new technology itself, is finding itself increasingly marginalized in favor of new methods.
Global communication is now more vital than ever before for business and personal use alike, and VoIP (voice over internet protocol) systems have changed the way people think about long and short distance phone calls. What was once prohibitively expensive can now be achieved for free with a reliable internet connection.
For businesses, the biggest question concerning VoIP technology is when, or even if, to replace their digital phone systems in favor of it. The truth is it will one day be a necessity, due to none of the system providers manufacturing the digital technology any longer.
That doesn't mean that businesses should necessarily rush out to change their own systems however.
Here, in this 4-part blog series, we will set and answer a few simple questions that can help you to decide whether your business should indeed switch to VoIP and offer advice for if you do.
Part 1 – Is your current digital system meeting your immediate needs?
While it is true that the advantages of a VoIP system do outweigh the disadvantages, the first question to consider when deciding whether to make the switch is a very simple one.
Consider this: if your current system is still working to your satisfaction, then you should feel no pressure to make a change, unless service or availability of supporting parts are at, or are reaching their end.
With companies such as Simpson Telecom continuing to refurbish and resell digital telephone components, from Avaya phones to all headsets for call centers, most systems will have replacement parts available in perfect working condition for years to come. It may even be possible to purchase whole refurbished phone systems if yours is beyond help but you’re still not quite ready to make the switch to VoIP.
Occasionally, a service company will recommend changing your digital system due to the manufacturer no longer supporting the system in question. The simple truth however is that service companies survive by installing new systems and not by supporting aging equipment.
If you're not ready to make the change, simply ask your service provider if they are prepared and able to provide replacement parts from their own stock.
If they are unable or unwilling to provide ongoing support, there are many other companies whom are able to provide any/all necessary parts and support to maintain your system for another 5-10 years, depending on the manufacturer and vintage of the system in use.
The one possible caveat is with some of the systems which require key code intervention in order to add elements such as voicemail seats, analog station seats or digital telephony seats. Once a manufacturer discontinues the support of these elements, it can become trickier, but not impossible to add facilities.
Only by having a frank discussion with your provider can you find out where they stand on the subject, but remember; if they are unable to help, there will be others who would be happy to.
In part 2 of our 4-part series, we'll be asking another question to help you decide if your company should make the switch to VoIP – Have your needs changed?